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Accountability: The Death of The Victim

Writer's picture: Alexander PapageorghiouAlexander Papageorghiou

When we speak of Awakening, Ascending, and becoming Creators, we often address this as a change in our energies and who we are, a proposed new vs the old. This is not really accurate. At the present time, we are becoming what we have been all these lifetimes, ever since we descended into physicality and Karma.

Yet, to create now we need to look at our own role in the past and what experiences have brought us here. A lot of people ascending have a great difficulty accepting and taking responsibility for the choices their souls have made over the lifetimes that have led to the diverse, and often painful experiences, they often resort to blaming others for. This brings us to Accountability.

If we look through a 5D lens at the world today, we can see that all we hold in relatively high esteem, like our social construct, governments, institutions, gender roles, and so much more, often evade any kind of accountability for their mistakes, and flow by unapologetically and unaware of the harm that is already done. We are all part of the human experiment and mistakes are totally acceptable. Nobody is without fault, ever. The difference is if one is willing to accept that they have been wrong, be held accountable and accept a different path needs to be taken the next time around. If we look at our leaders, from the community outwards, often there are mistakes made, and hurtful consequences result from this, but a wall of fake legitimacy is put up so as not to deal with these. This is the 3D Male EGO at work. The same ego can make no mistake because admitting to such would be a sign of weakness and that is not a reality people want to see, or so they believe, and therefore the veils go up again and again. This is most probably one of the most pressing issues of our times. Lately, since the last months of 2017, we see this patterns of accountability and those who have evaded it in our faces constantly, as the game is up. In our own lives and hearts, we need to have the same conversation with our egos.

Before we came around for this lifetime, our soul chose a set of events and lessons that would help us evolve towards balance. For many of these years we have been victims, blaming the world around us for our pain and anguish. The fact we need to swallow and make peace with, is that, even through that pain, we were the CREATORS, not the victims, we chose this to learn and flourish, and we ended that cycle by waking up and progressing towards the current moment. Our Creation, though inadvertently, began eons ago. This cycle we become conscious of this. This is the most liberating aspect of our lives if we look it straight in the eyes.

We are not victims and we have never been. We chose these lessons, we went through them, and here we are. The more we accept our symbiotic relationship with our soul and the partnership we have, and the role we have had in choosing these experiences, we can stop blaming society, employers, family, lovers, and the world over for all the pain we feel. There is no doubt that the 3D density has been grueling and trying on most of us and our bodies, minds and spirits have often flared, but here we are. We are awake/ning and we MUST accept our role as creators, of our past mishaps, unconsciously, and our path to changing this energy, this time consciously. This is the first step to liberation from 3D, the total acceptance of all we have had to face and its subsequent release, replacing that with the faith we have in the UNIVERSE, the SOURCE, and ourselves as CREATORS.

We are here now, so it is time to take the last layers off and no longer see victims in the mirror. There is too much love around flowing through everything we once knew as reality to blame everyone else for our misfortune. You will only create, if, and when, you are ready to release this, and accept that whatever position you are in, you are there because you know exactly how to get out of it. Liberate yourself now, and look at the face staring back you from the mirror. You won’t recognize it anymore. The first step to the new you is your willingness to CHANGE.

Much Love,


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