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I’m very grateful for my sessions with Alexander.

They were both life changing experiences.

Alexander is so clear, go directly to the area who needs attention. 

My first session was very empowering for me and I got clear about myself and my next step to take.From there my life started to change after two months of pretty intense pain, confusing etc.

My second session was dealing with a life time of loneliness and we went back into my past and heal that. I also got a mantra that in a week changed my life. 

My life is totally changed. I have so much love in my life and even for a moment if  I feel lonely, I just repeat my mantra and it’s gone. I feel so in alignment excited, at peace like I never felt before. I just moved to a beautiful, peaceful, supportive home and I working on my new business.

I’m so so grateful that I found Alexander at this time in my life. 

He is exceptional, wise, real, clear, intuitive, generous, and so so caring.


With love and gratitude,


Sabine L, USA





I recently contacted Alexander looking for assistance during a difficult period and he was very responsive and accommodating.  He took the time to discuss my situation before any formal arrangement was made, to ensure we were both on the same page regarding what he could offer and what I needed. 


The actual sessions themselves are deeply healing and transformative.  What Alexander is able to provide in the space of an hour or 2 would take years in a therapist’s chair.  His techniques are highly effective and I would recommend him to anyone that is struggling with unhealed traumas or just needs a little help on their journey. 


Luke K, Australia





I discovered Alexander through the higher self channel, which led me to discover his book he had just released. This book contained so much of the clarity I had been searching for in many areas of my life. I reached out and then booked a session with Alexander and both his guidance and the channeling were so very important to me during that stage of my journey and marked a huge part of my growth. If your heart leads you to his assistance I recommend that you do not hesitate. Xx

Megan R, USA





I found Alexander on youtube at a time when I was at the biggest crossroads in my life. I couldn’t sleep, I had a really hard time trusting myself to make any decisions, I lacked clarity, I lacked confidence and I was paralyzed by fear.    I have been following a lot of new aged thought ‘leaders’ and ‘spiritual teachers’-for some time now but none of them resonated with me like Alexander did, his message was profound, encouraging and so raw and honest. As I watched his videos I began to feel better about where I was in my life, I had a different understanding that everything I was going through was happening for me not to me. My perspective began to shift and  I felt inspired by the candidness of his journey and how he listened to the wisdom of his soul felt the fear and did it anyway.

Instantly I knew I had to book a session. That session was a game changer for me! 

Alexander nailed exactly what I was feeling in the first  15 minutes of our conversation, he affirmed what my soul was trying to tell me all along but I was to afraid to listen. He helped my clarify my purpose, and how I could bring forth my gifts to the world, his channeled meditation shook me to my core, our conversation changed my life.

 I can not express my heartfelt gratitude enough for his man, his message and how his work has impacted my life,  by being an open conduit of light he is helping other Light workers step into their power.

Alexander thank you for your presence on this earth and for helping me along on my journey to clarify my purpose, stand in my truth and use my journey to inspire others. 

You are a God Sent♥️ 



Bruna D, Canada




Alexander has a wonderfully calm and patient demeanor. He is very kind, compassionate and wise beyond his years. His advice and guidance came to me in a time of spiritual growth and acceleration.
If there is only one thing I would have to say to sum up our session, it would be: Brilliant! He was spot on from the beginning and I treasure his inputs immensely. The ripple effect of our session in July is still felt strongly until this very day! His knowledge is unparalleled and comes from a deep place of dedication and understanding of humanity.  What I cherish and respect most about him, is that he never fails to mention that he too is on this journey. A part of it, rather than being superior or all - knowing.

He is a wonderful example of what can and will happen to you when you let go of fear and step into your own light. His light has shone all the way over the Pond and filled my heart with gratitude and appreciation.

I wish him nothing but love and success in everything his heart sets out to accomplish in the future. 


Taranga W, Switzerland





I watched numerous video's from Alexander on his Youtube page and immediately resonated with his message. He has a soft, calming way of describing the huge spiritual, mental and emotional shifts that I've been experiencing. And most importantly, that I'm not the only going thru this. I decided to have a one on one consult with him and I have to say I'm extremely satisfied with the experience. He emanates compassion, love and shows a sincere interest in working together. He's straight up throughout the session and gives tools to use after the session is over. The meditation that he left with me has been very fruitful. Thank you Alexander!!


Matt M, USA





I first started my spiritual awakening as I turned 40, although my life had given me many glimpses along the way it was this point where I truely began to see.  The past six years have shaken me through in the best of ways as I see more and more each day.  This year, summer I had another "breaking" experience and felt lost, frustrated, confused... But not broken... Alone but not lonely... When I first heard alexanders voice I felt found... Recognised, understood, acknowledged and his energy for me is grounding... I have had one session so far, will have more when I'm ready..  He is a guide that is lighting the way.. Things have changed, we are all more aware.. I know I make an impact on those in my life... I know there's more work to do... I know we are doing this together... I know Alexander understands, explains, grounds and leads...  We are all here in this moment, for this time, for these reasons.  We light, we share, we guide, We lift, we love XXX safe travels to all XXX love an above XXX thank you Alexander for making sure we are not alone XXX


Ruth M, Scotland 






Alexander was the real deal and I knew
Now, when I see people on these sites I’m immediately skeptical of their information and “channeling abilities (judgmental I know but it’s the truth).
Being hungry for information on my awakening process, and desperate to gain some semblance of sanity, I happened upon a video by Alexander on the Indigo Light channel.immediately .
He has more than helped me-he has saved me at times I thought I was losing it or wanting to throw in the towel on this inter-dimensional journey of ours.
He has shown, in his webinars, videos, and my personal sessions, his gifts and dedication to this very intense sometimes extremely difficult, yet beautiful journey.
I highly recommend this gifted human/divine being.




Susan P, USA





I had my first session with Alexander back in September. He has helped me continuously through a tremendously challenging situation in my Life, and I don't know where I would be without his guidance. Within the first 10

minutes he was able to recognize what my life situation meant in the big picture, and gave me the tools necessary to make the shift I needed in my belief systems and patterns. I have had many sessions with various spiritual mentors, and Alexander is in a league of his own. His incredible compassion and care for me and all his clients is second to none. He is one of the most authentic souls I have met in this lifetime, and he has helped me regain my spiritual power I knew I always had. His enthusiasm for what he does and his expansive knowledge of the 5D transition we are all going through are extremely valuable for every human soul during this time. He has given me hope in the darkest of nights and helped my soul and spirit come ALIVE!! I highly recommend Alexander to anyone who is seriously ready to heal themselves and find their true purpose in this Life.



Brian C, USA





I remain infinitely grateful to the universe that I was led to Alexander. I know that our meeting was planned for my soul growth. I have been on this path for many years, but had been doing and experiencing everything on my own - lone wolfing it. Alexander came in at the right time and brought me much needed perspective and further confirmation that I was not alone in this. To me, he is a spirit guide in form. His energy is strong and comforting - he immediately puts me at ease and his energy continues to nurture me even when we are not interacting in the physical. He is an incredible leader, someone I wholeheartedly look up to. He acts as a guide, not a savior. As a spirit guide operating under prime directive, he won't do the work for you, but he will provide a framework, or method, for you to find your answers within. That is incredibly needed in this world. Because let's be honest, people can tell you stuff all day, but until you understand and realize something for yourself, it just doesn't hold the same value. Alexander guides you to your own truth, in this way. He definitely helped me get back to a stable, grounded position so that I could finally hear my inner wisdom, away from the noise of the external world. Because of our meeting, I feel I have been able to move forward in tremendous ways. I think it should be mentioned that I met Alexander in a dream two weeks before I randomly stumbled upon his YouTube channel. He is truly magnanimous. It is a terrific understatement to say that Indigo Light changed my life. He is my brother in light and I look forward to our collective future as awakened, and mobilized, facets of the One



Theresa M, USA






I had the pleasure of receiving a one-one session with Alexander. The connection and confirmation of things I had been feeling really sealed my faith within myself. Up until this point I had had very few conversations about the accelerated level that I had started awakening through. As each persons path is different I felt like it was abnormal for things to be happening so fast. He gave me practical ways to find my unique personal principles and values. Each day I am striving to put these into place and live true to myself. Literally the same day my clairvoyance started making itself known and within a week my third eye has begun opening. I believe his connection and elevated awareness to himself can profoundly impact his clients. I am not saying this could happen for you. I am saying that time and time again I find that new doorways are opening up as we band together with the common goal.


Morgan J, USA




In my Dicussion and Channeling Session with Alexander, I could physically feel how he connected with my soul and my guidance. The messages were literally life-changing for me. Furthermore, Alexander provided me with easily applicable tools which enable me to explore, grow and elevate on a daily basis. I’m now able to change my patterns and connect with my guidance. I call this pure empowerment and I thank Alexander very much for facilitating me with this session, with his guided meditations, by sharing his experience with us and by coming from a place without judgement (while being down to earth at the same time). So again, thank you, Alexander.


Karola W., Germany



I've never done this before, so I had no real expectations. But I immediately felt at ease, and actually enjoyed the experience greatly. The session was beautifully timed and certain things were remarkably accurate - I felt a very deep connection to the other side of the veil, which was humbling and made me very happy.

Love, light and much gratitude,



Georgia Sumner, UK


I have been following Alexander since last spring and always strongly resonated with the messages he shared in his video content. I knew I needed to work with him one on one! During our session, he was very grounded and held a beautiful space for us to explore the inner world together. I felt very safe and respected and loved by his energy. He gave me a meditation technique to connect more with my inner guidance that I have been practicing since our session, and I am blown away by the amazing shift it has created in my life. I am becoming more intentional in my daily life, from taking care to clean my house, to my interactions with other beings. It has made a huge difference in me, which has created a huge difference in my external world as well. I am so grateful to have worked with Alexander, and will most definitely be working with him again! Thank you!


Rachel T., USA


Thanks to the synchronicity YouTube facilitates in expanding my awareness, I stumbled across Alexander’s channel many months ago. I’m pretty sure I’ve listened to virtually all of his videos and many webinars, which is frankly a bit unusual for me as I follow very few individuals so consistently. Something about his perspective, calm and no-nonsense/straightforward approach is deeply comforting, grounding and credible to me. He’s clearly on this path of service from a path of solid heart connection and integrity.

I typically take a vow of silence on thanksgiving and spend it intentionally alone to steep myself in gratitude, but this past holiday I asked Alexander if we could do a session (luckily Canada has a different Thanksgiving date:)

It was an extended session and was incredibly powerful, really skyrocketed my frequency for quite a few days as even more miracles than usual poured into my reality. It also stirred up some things that needed to surface — and to be honest I’m still working through some of the things that he gently but clearly pointed out, but feel like I’ve been able to let go of so much resistance and tension that I was carrying without knowing it. The channeled message that came through was so powerful, I just wish that the Skype recording had worked so I could listen to it often! Thank you Alexander for affirming so much and for being such a powerful channel, reminding me of my own capacity to be the same and encouraging self-reliance. I look forward to continuing to learn from you and take your wise guidance to heart.


Regina G.K, USA



The session with Alexander helped me tremendously. It was great to talk to somebody who has been through what I'm going through and therefore he could emphasize and give me advice on my issues. Just like in his YouTube videos he is a genuinely kind soul and gentle in his approach which I needed. The world, as we all know, can be a cruel place sometimes and he felt like a safe haven during our conversation. He can help because he's been there and he gave me some very much needed insights.


Sarah H., Germany


I recommend working with  Alexander if you would like to connect back to a place that calls your soul. It’s like a “phone call” back home for an update on how your soul and higher self would like you to move forward. Working with him is incredibly cleansing by nature and even if you are not able to immediately verbalize what you are feeling during the session, everything will come full circle when you are ready. He is a great reminder that we are all human and have been asked to walk the path that leads us home, and that sometimes the most difficult work is the most beneficial towards your wellbeing and thus how you choose to transcend your daily life.


Juliana P., Chicago, USA



My first session with Alexander was very insightful.  He told me about a past life experience that is at the core of the trauma I am experiencing now.  I resonated with it strongly and know that this is the experience I need to heal. I am looking forward to doing a past life regression session with him in order to heal this trauma.  Alexander is a truly gifted spiritual leader and it is an honor to have him help me along my spiritual journey.


Elisabeth B., NL, Canada



A beautiful journey into a passageway of my soul’s yearning. What started as a general inquiry to work with Alexander from an inspiration and nudge from my guides, to uncovering the true purpose was to get assistance to release a cornerstone of my present and previous life that I had been resistant to letting go with love.  Alexander created a Sacred space for me to work with my guides and to explore the blockages that I was not able to see and trust on my own. The ultimate benefit of my session continues to be realized as I pursue the exercises introduced in my session and to uncover the messages from my guides. I am truly appreciative of the soul-shift that is unfolding, and I have much heartfelt gratitude for Alexander’s compassion and respect for my journey and for his love for all healing.


Michelle M., Toronto, Canada



I am so grateful to Alexander for giving me the necessary push that I needed to start taking action towards fully living my purpose. At the time I booked my session with him, I felt lost and overwhelmed about the awakening process I had just started and I had absolutely no idea what to do with all this information and new perception of reality and what to with it. Alexander was very pragmatic about it and gave me very useful, practical tips to start building the life I secretly had envisioned my whole life: to have the freedom of being whoever I wanted to be; to do whatever I wanted to do, without the need to fulfill any expectations that I had let my parents and teachers impose on me, but that were not making me fully happy in the end. I had always been the "perfect" kid: straight A's, university degree, master's degree, great 9-5 job... but I felt something was missing inside, and I wasn't sure what. After all, I had ticked all the boxes towards "happiness", but somehow I felt empty. Eventually, I came to realize that I was living my life in a "loop": work, eat, sleep, pay bills, repeat. I was not making a difference in the world, and I knew it. I also knew I had to break out of that cycle, and that doing so inevitably meant that I had to leave my 9-5 job which was no longer making me satisfied. Alexander gave me very pragmatic tips on how to start doing that, and I am happy to announce that I am almost completing the transition towards leaving the job that I no longer feel aligned with, and to start living the life I had secretly envisioned for myself; and it was in great part because of him. So thank you Alex, for giving me that kick in the butt that I needed to start the engines going. No "mumbo-jumbo"; straight to the point. Thanks for waking me up from my lethargy.


Georgette D., Montreal, Canada

I was first introduced to Alexander through the Higher Self channel on YouTube. At the time, I was searching for answers or some insight into what I was experiencing. Within several minutes of watching that first video, I began thinking and feeling that everything he was saying resonated w/me deeply. My first impressions were; he was compassionate, authentic, non-judgmental and had a way of delivering insight that was user friendly. I especially appreciated the message being conveyed as experiential, soap boxes need not apply.  I have been on a journey of awakening and consciousness for about 15 years, and have made great strides in discovering my purpose. But like any journey, there have been many bumps, turns, and steps leading to discouragement…it has not been a straight line. Along my way, I have studied many philosophies and sought advice by some. Alexander’s insight inherently felt different, perhaps because it was filled with empathy and did not feel sanctimonious. This was everything to me. I began following his videos and updates and eventually booked a private session with him. The session was profound on many levels. There was an ease to his communication style and I found him relatable. Throughout, I often felt I was chatting with my long lost friend who was holding space for me to discover my own truth. I was able to ascertain a clearer direction and suss out some of the blockages I was experiencing.  I am enough, was the main theme of this session, which was something that no matter how many positive affirmations and mantras I would recite, I found difficult believing for whatever reason. I have since, experienced another session w/Alexander and was able to go deeper w/in through a guided meditation and remove more blockages which were rooted in fear and anger. The manner in which he led me through this process was based in kind, supportive energy that allowed me to feel safe and work at a level where I never felt judged or ashamed. This session taught me how to speak with my emotions and find out what they were trying to teach me. Immediately after that session, I was empowered to speak my truth w/grace and ease within a situation where I lost my voice. If you are guided to work w/Alexander, do so. Remember there are no coincidences! He’s a gift to all!


Rachel Speranza, Florida, USA






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