Alexander serves as a spiritual guide, channeler, author, and healer for the last 15 years. Born in Switzerland in 1983, he has had to opportunity to see different facets of the world through life in different countries and an international upbringing. He is fluent in his native French, English, Greek, Hebrew, and Spanish. His passion for esoterica and the occult started at a very young age, understanding that the materialism and fear of society was only a mask for the true nature of our species and the history of our galaxy. Throughout the years, he kept on exploring this topic deeper.
Following a near-death experience in 2009, his awakening started abruptly, lifting the veil to the metaphysical reality of the Universe, and challenging all that he knew. While studying ancient texts on Archangels in the same year, he found himself calling upon Archangel Michael, asking for help, for a mentor that could teach him the tools he felt were necessary to his Ascension. He did so in a meditation, not knowing if it would be successful, or in vain. Approximately 2 weeks later, on his birthday, he awoke from dreams of the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, Israel, asking him to go. During the train journey there, an older lady, all dressed in white with piercing blue eyes, sat in front of him after pacing up and down the aisle choosing a seat. A few minutes later, she closed her eyes and began channeling, writing the message on a piece of paper. Alexander understood what she was doing, and couldn't help himself but peek at what she was writing. Her message began as "Dear Archangel Michael..." When she was done, he looked at her and asked if she had been sent to help him. Her response was simply: "So...you are the only I am looking for." Looking at her business card, later on, she was offering the exact disciplines he was yearning to expand in. A week and a half later, he joined her spiritual center, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery.
More than a decade, and 11 different countries, later, Alexander finds himself in the Canary Islands, happy to be of service in what remains of Lost Atlantis.
He has authored "Confessions of An Indigo Child: An In-Depth Journey to Awakening Your Infinity," which takes us through his awakening journey towards the Source, along many amazing metaphysical encounters. He offers a variety of different sessions, retreats, and courses through the Indigo Light Youtube Channel, and his website. He has expanded his spiritual understanding through the Guidance of various energies, physical and etheric, namely the Source, the Archangelic kingdom, and the Arcturians, along with many others, as detailed in his book. This has opened up his eyes to a greater understanding of what is commonly know to us as "REAL."
Today, he spends his days taking clients through past-lifetimes regressions, releasing traumas of the past, acting as a channeler for Guidance, a healer, Reiki practitioner, and passing on the tools he has acquired over the years, both through his online presence, as well as in person. During his free time, you can find him traveling, somewhere underwater, enjoying the other kingdom of our planet, and meditating somewhere quietly in nature. He is an avid promoter of healthy and conscious living, through mindfulness and nutrition to satisfy the needs, not wants, of our bodies. In all of this, he is happy and humbled to be part of this universal awakening, and looks forward to spreading the light where there is still fear and doubt.